Play the game of choice at least once to log your stats for that game then you can
hack them.
Open COMPUTER folder and type this in the address bar:- C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft Games (where USER_NAME is your windows user name). In the folder that appears, you should see a folder of the game you want to hack the stats of. (I'll use Chess Titans for an example). Double click the game folder (ChessTitans). In the game folder you should see a file with a .xml file extention (ChessTitans.xml). Right click on the file and select "open with.." select "notepad".
When you have the file open, scroll down until you see this:
Change all of the numbers to 2147483647 so it looks like this:
Add a minus sign - to the <games played> number so it looks like
Save the changes, close notepad and play the game. When you finish the game the statistics will still be displayed, but all of the numbers are now maxed and it won't add any more numbers, so the stats are now effectively useless. The games played number will count down, but that makes no odds.
Unfortunately, you will have to repeat this for each game whose stats you wish to disable.
Have Fun! -Norm