Normsweb News:

The Internet is killing hobby websites:

The internet was built by people wanting to share their interests & hobbies with other people.

It could be done fairly cheaply, you could get a domain name cheap, free hosting packages & a free certificate, but now they want to charge you ridiculous prices for every single damn thing... I was ok with having to pay to renew the domain name each year, and hosting obviously costs money, but to charge me £60 per year, per site, just for a damn certificate is a complete and utter RIP-OFF! It's nothing more than a legalised SCAM and it will surely kill off many hobby websites.


What is Free Radio Network?

frn client picture

Free Radio Network (FRN) is FREE software that you can use to turn your computer into a CB radio!

After downloading the software (link below), you just need a microphone and speakers or headphones (even the built in mic/speakers in your laptop will work) and you are all set, you can now communicate with other FRN users all over the world. You do not need a huge antenna outside, and, as its basically connecting through the internet, you do not need any kind of CB or Ham Radio license.

FRN is a great way for old 'breakers' to get back 'on the air' or new users to try out the world of radio communications without spending loads of money on expensive gear. The software is free, and if you find you don't enjoy it, its easily un-installed.

And as a bonus, you might just hear me on there! My handle (or radio nickname/callsign) is 'Warf', so join FRN and give me a call!

How do I join FRN

First you need to download and install the FRN client software from here: Download FRN Software

Once installed, there is some minimal setup required, then your computer will work as a CB radio. This video shows you what you need to do.

This video shows how to set up FRN on a computer running Linux:

You don't need to know any fancy 'radio language', to call in you might say "This is -your callsign- calling, is there anyone about" or something similar. If there are people already talking on the network, you would wait until one person finishes talking and say "break" or "breaker on the side" then wait to be called in. Thats it, you are now 'on the air' Enjoy! -Norm.

ps. tell 'em Warf told you about it and you're sure to be made welcome!

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