Please contact me if none of these methods work on your radio
The Easy Way (which doesn't seem to work on all radios):
At the back of the radio, above the belt clip there is an inset with a piece of stiff black tape on it. Remove the tape to reveal 4 holes, each with a tiny copper dot surrounded by a copper ring. You will need a small flat bladed screwdriver or something similar so you can short the dot to the ring in the holes.
For check mode, short hole 2 and turn on the radio. It may take a few times to get it right. The radio will display a small 1 followed by a frequency: '1' when you have got it.
For Clone mode, short hole 1 and turn on the radio. You will know when its done when the radio displays: -C- If you try it about 5 times and it does not work, you will need to try it the hard way (see below).
For Computer mode, short hole 4 while holding the 'lamp' button (the one below the PTT) and turn on the radio. You will know when its done when the radio displays: -PC- I have never managed to get the radio into computer mode, If you can get your radio to display -PC- please contact me and let me know how you did it.
For Self Programming mode, short hole 2 while holding the 'lamp' button and turn on the radio. The radio will display a small 1 followed by a frequency: '1 150.000' when you get it. Depending on the radio, and how it has been programmed before, the frequency may be different from 150.000. If you try it about 5 times and it does not work, you will need to try it the hard way (see below).
The Hard Way (which should work on all radio's):
For this you need to open the radio, there are screws all over the place, and you also have to take out the 4 screws under the battery, but DO NOT undo the 2 small ones on the back of the radio just below the antenna in a diagonal as they do not need to come out.
Once the radio is seperated, unplug the ribbon cable that joins the 2 halves of the radio together. You should now be able to see the links as shown in the pic.
Solder the link of the mode you want and put the radio back together enough so you can use it. do not put the screws in, as the link must be removed after programming has been achieved. For check mode, solder the self programming link. Turn the radio on and you will hopefully see your mode of choice displayed.
1 = Clone Mode
2 = Dealer Mode
3 = Self Programming
Do not link any other links than those pictured, and be sure to only link one at a time or you could damage the CPU.
When you have done your desired work, turn the radio off, open it up and desolder the link you made. put it back together enough so you can turn the radio on and check its working as you want, and then screw it back together. You should now have a fully functional Kenwood TK-240.